Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Being Uncomfortable

I have been thinking a lot lately about people's reactions to things I share.  I guess since I have been doing a lot of weird things lately, this has been sticking out to me.  I notice that people's responses generally go one of two directions.  If I am describing a difficult emotion or situation, either they will immediately offer solutions, trying to fix things, or they will somehow deny it or want to ignore it.  "Everything is going to be fine." might be a typical response.  I am hypothesizing that when I share something that is bringing up discomfort in me, it is triggering discomfort in others and setting off a protective reaction.  I am moving toward a place where I understand that the areas that I am uncomfortable with are where I need to inquire into.  This may be by asking questions to discover what is hidden there or it may be to just sit in presence to what is coming up.  I find myself torn between not wanting to reveal the fullness of what is going on with me to others, because I feel frustrated at the common responses, and also wanting to be more truthful and transparent with others, to be a more honest version of myself.  I am just now, at 50, really starting to understand myself.  I think I have always had trouble finding the perfect place for myself because I am a curiously mix of needs.  I do need a lot of time to myself but I also get very restless and wonky if I don't get out and explore. I can certainly understand those who think I am a pain in the ass, as I am a great burden to myself!

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